Excuses and Schedules

Some of you may have noticed our usual Wednesday morning posting did not appear this morning. It will be appearing later today. We apologize for the brief interuption in our schedule.  This message is a place holder until that post appears, as well as an announcement of EXCITING things happening soon.

So first, the excuses. I am a college teacher, so I am well versed in excuses, and unlike many of the ones I hear, this one is even true!

Today’s post is going to be from Michelle Ray.  Michelle Ray holds a special place here at EMU’s Debuts, as she is going to be the first EMU to hatch out! Her debut book is coming out in JUST 13 days!!!

That’s right, folks, on JULY 5th, the FIRST DEBUT of an EMU’s Debut will be on the shelves, FALLING FOR HAMLET.

So, Michelle has 13 days to get ready for her big release, and she has her regularly scheduled life to maintain,  launch parties to plan, packages like this arriving at her house:

  people asking her a million questions, and the very real threat of several EMUs (including Mike) uploading images of themselves in short plaid skirts to the internet…and she has a blog post to put together for today. So basically, Michelle’s a little like this at the moment:

BUT, since you are here anyway, let me ANNOUNCE the big RELEASE PARTY we will be throwing here at EMU’S Debuts for Michelle!

We will be posting EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! From Monday July 11th through Friday, July 15th! We will have

  • TRIVIA!!!!

SO tune in later today (or tomorrow) for Michelle’s slightly belated Wednesday post, and tune in July 11-15 for her BIG RELEASE PARTY!!!

And of course, tune in between now and then for our regularly scheduled postings.


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7 responses to “Excuses and Schedules

  1. Oooo! Oooo! I want one! I want one! I can’t wait for all the fun and games to commence! YAY!!!

    I have been saving my Mother’s Day “I’ll buy you a book” coupon from my son for “Falling For Hamlet” so Michelle, I will be one of your very first purchasers!

    Yay! Party!!!!


  2. Yay Maryanne! That’s the spirit!!!! As I recall, you are also working on a classic-to-contemporary sort of story, so be sure to check out our discussion that Friday, July 15th, when we will have a discussion between Michelle and Jennifer Ziegler, who’s Jane Austen retelling, SASS AND SERENDIPITY is also coming out in July.


  3. Michelle Ray

    The pressures of the launch, a new job, kids on vacation, and traveling for 3 1/2 weeks starting Saturday backed me up a bit. Apologies!!!


  4. That’s another book I’m dying to read, “Sass and Serendipity” – I love you guys! ❤


  5. J. Anderson Coats

    Just who are these “people” in miniskirts gonna be, Jeannie? Hmm?


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