Fare Well not Goodbye

As writers we’ve all come upon people who say, “I don’t care about being published, I just love the process.” Whoa Nelly – that is not me! WRITING IS HARD and I wouldn’t be beating my head against this particular wall if I didn’t strongly want my stories out in the world. And now LOST BOYS has been out on it’s own for three weeks. It is still a sparkly, giddy thrill every time a friend sends a picture of my book (my book – the one I wrote) on the shelf of some random bookstore.


Tonight I will make my first appearance in one of my local indies. I am overflowing with gratitude for this journey and for the traveling companions I’ve met on this road.piglet_gratitude_winnie_the_pooh

And these traveling companions – my writing community, my tribe, have brought such a richness to my life. Because of their company and their kindness and the way we can jump into one another’s imaginary worlds, I’ve come to actually value the process as much as the end product of my book on the shelf. So today I will be leaving the role of debut and moving into the role of author – there is manuscript and other stories that need attention. This milestone also means fledging the Emu Debut nest. But don’t say goodbye too loudly ’cause ya ain’t getting rid of me easily. I will be here to support all the other Emu’s with future hatchings and share the new ideas and coming success of my nest mates. A hearty SHOUT OUT to all my writing buds and especially the whole Erin Murphy Literary Agency tribe. May we all fare well in this journey, my friends. I might have done this without you, but probably not and even if I had it certainly wouldn’t have been anywhere near as delightful.

FullSizeRenderDarcey Rosenblatt’s debut novel was released by Henry Holt/MacMillan in August. LOST BOYS, an historic fiction, tells the story of a 12-year old Iranian boy sent to fight in the Iran Iraq war in 1982. With her critique group she runs the Better Books Workshop – an annual small deep craft conference held in Northern California.






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4 responses to “Fare Well not Goodbye

  1. Lindsey Lane

    Never goodbye. Always Yes, Welcome, Come Again.


  2. Rebecca Van Slyke

    How exciting to see your book on bookshelves! Congratulations, Darcey!


  3. Christina Uss

    So happy for you for this whole process, and all that comes next!


  4. I am in the process of reading ‘Lost Boys’. Well done! I’m amazed at the insights you have gleaned in writing this story. It’s opening my eyes to another culture. Congrats, Darcey!


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