HENRY FRANKS: The Animated Movie

Suspenseful. Mysterious. Eery yet surprisingly real. Romantic. Tragic.

These are all words you could use to describe HENRY FRANKS, the brilliant debut YA novel by Peter Adam Salomon.

And now you can add the words “animated movie” because I’ve created a 90-second synopsis of the book in a spooky scene with Henry and Justine. (C’mon, I had to follow-up Mike Jung’s awesome Zombie Buddy post!)

I know Warner Brothers or Dreamworks will be calling Peter soon to make HENRY a REAL movie…



Filed under Celebrations, Synopsis

6 responses to “HENRY FRANKS: The Animated Movie

  1. Ha! That was awesome, Tara!


  2. Laurie Boyle Crompton

    Love it! Such a great idea!


  3. Natalie Dias Lorenzi

    Fabulous! Wouldn’t kids have a great time making their own?? Rock on, Henry F!


  4. That xtra-normal site is a lot of fun. Very easy to use, too. I just wish I would have realized that the voo-doo doll characters I used first were actually teeny-tiny. I made a whole movie I had to scrap! But it was cool finding the mobster character who had lots of scars like Henry.


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