Where Is Tommy Smythe? (An EMU News Special Report)

Local teenager Tommy Smythe has disappeared, and the local sheriff is tirelessly hunting for clues.  Where is Tommy now? EMU News takes us live to the small Texas town where the young man was last seen alive.

And that’s the news.  Thank you, and good night.

On a more serious note, Lindsey Lane’s YA debut is truly extraordinary. EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN tells truths both beautiful and terrible; it is funny and tragic, uncomfortable and uplifting.  Tommy Smythe and the subtly interlacing stories of the deeply human people in his town will linger in your mind long after you turn the last page.

Congratulations on your debut novel, Lindsey Lane!  It’s been an honor to participate in the launch of such a special book.

Please comment here–or on any post this week–to be entered to win a T-shirt and a signed ARC of EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN by Lindsey Lane!


Filed under ARCs, Book Promotion, Celebrations, Interviews, Launch, Promotion

10 responses to “Where Is Tommy Smythe? (An EMU News Special Report)

  1. Happy book launch week, Lindsey.

    (Great post, Megan. And Josh, remind me not to get on your bad side. In any universe.)


  2. tamaraellissmith

    Okay Megan, I just watched the video and about 5 seconds into it I forgot that it was not real…seriously…whoa. Amazing work. (And yeah, Josh?!) Hooray Megan! And HOORAY HOORAY Lindsey!


  3. WOW!!! You embodied a whole new cast of characters! Great post Josh, and all you residents of a small Texas town!!!


  4. Lindsey Lane

    That was the most amazing video EVER. Youguys are really the best. This has been such a special, special week because of every minute you have spent writing editing, promoting and generally cheering for me and EVIDENCE. I am seriously weepy and happy and dancing all over the place. Talk about a multiverse reality!?!?!?


  5. I’m even more intrigued now than before. Grrreaaaate video!


  6. Megan, you did an awesome job! Just awesome. And, Lindsey, this has been so much fun. I love celebrating Evidence! What a great 2 weeks we’ve had here at EMU’s.


  7. donnabowmanbratton

    I looooove this news video. And boy am I kicking myself for not being brave enough to send my own video clip to be added. Megan, you did a remarkable job on this. And, Lindsey, your launch party was epic!


  8. OMG–I finally got a chance to watch this. Absolutely incredible, guys!! Amy, you cracked me up immensely…and Joshua, I’m going to have nightmares.

    What a perfect intro to the book, too. Congratulations again, Lindsey!!


  9. And Megan, amazing job putting this together! I am in awe!!


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