Laurie’s Book is the BEST!

It’s another happy book birthday for Laurie Thompson! Her book My Dog is the Best  is out today! Just see how happy it makes her dog, Prim! And you could be as happy as Prim if you comment below and win a signed copy of Laurie’s book!

This book is Prim-approved!

This book is Prim-approved!


To celebrate, the EMUs are sharing what they think is the best in their lives.

Carole Gerber

My cat Winston was the best – and most beautiful – cat ever. He was an indoor/outdoor cat (part Maine coon) who hunted mice and bestowed them – sometimes still wriggling –  at my feet. I’d put on garden gloves, shut Winston inside, and carry the mice as far away as possible. Winston died three years ago at age 17. His last act was to walk the circumference of our yard, making sure we were safe from mice and other cats who might try to invade his territory.

Look at the coat on this boy!

Look at the beautiful coat on this boy!


Maria Gianferrari

My critique group, Crumpled Paper, is the best! My CP critique partners, Lisa Robinson, Lois Sepahban, Andrea Wang, Sheri Dillard and Abigail Calkins Aguirre have been staunch supporters and friends. I know I can always count them to pull me through the dark days, and cheer me through joyous times. Their critiques are thoughtful, insightful and spot on, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without their help. I’m so happy to be a part of this supportive writing family!

untitled (10)

Donna Janelle Bowman

My writer pals are the best because they understand why I walk around my house talking to myself, with a pen in my hand.

Tamara Smith

My Winn-Dixie is the best.  He, like the famous Winn-Dixie is a stray and he even came from the south just like Kate’s literary dog.  But that’s not why he’s the best.  He’s the best because he takes such good care of me.  He follows me from room to room, and keeps a keen eye on me.  (You know how border collie’s eyes just radiate connection and wisdom?  Those are the eyes I am lucky enough to have protecting me.)  He is also my trusty running partner, rain or shine, snow or heat, he comes with me on the trails in the woods or by the river, helping me keep the rhythm and pace going, but also reminding me to stop and watch a beaver diving into the water, or glimpse a deer bounding behind the trees.  Finally, every night he waits until I am ready to go to bed and then he traipses up the stairs after me, ready to retire, until the next

What a faithful friend!

What a faithful friend!

Penny Parker Klostermann

My duck is the best. Mrs. Quackers is the best part-time pet.

She the best setter.


She’s the best hatcher.


She’s the best swimming teacher.

swimming teacher

And she’s the best momma.


Megan Morrison

My students are the best! They’re funny, and fierce, and fantastic. They start nature clubs, fight for LGBTQA rights, raise money to buy goats for people they’ll never meet, and fundraise to support foster kids right here in our community. Some of them have beautiful singing voices; others, the most brilliant smiles. Some can build robots; others write stories that take my breath away. Being 12, 13, and 14 years old is not easy under the best of circumstances, and some of my kids have it rough. But they fight hard to be true to themselves and to be forces for good in the world. Every last one of them is lovable and capable, and they inspire me every single day. They are, without a doubt, the very best.


Janet Fox

My family is the best. (They don’t hassle me for having too much on my plate! 🙂



Laurie Thompson

My fellow Emu’s Debuts bloggers are the best!


Laurie, we think YOU’RE the best!

And if you want to order Laurie’s book, you can find it at University Book Store  as well as:




And something else that’s the best? PRIZES!

The winner for Pin the Quote on the Emus is: ANDREA WANG with a total of 8 points! She wins a signed copy of Book Scavenger plus a swag bag containing a walking map of San Francisco, an invisible ink pen with black light to detect the writing, and Book Scavenger stickers and bookmarks.

And these are the answers for last week’s quiz:

1)      Star Wars: Megan

2)      Ticket to Ride: Maria

3)      Word puns for multiple games: Rebecca

4)      Hungry Hungry Hippos: Adam & Mylisa

5)      Quidditch, Clue, Chutes & Ladders: Jenn

6)      Parcheesi: Luke

7)      Candyland: Penny

8)      Jumanji: Janet

9)      Who, What, Where: Tam

10)  Minecraft: Elaine

11)  Dungeons & Dragons: Laurie

12)  Lord of the Rings online: Susan

13)  Pac Man & Frogger: Christine

14)  Old Maid: Calista

BONUS: Jumanji: filmed in Maria’s hometown of Keene, NH!!


Filed under Book Launch, Book Promotion, Celebrations

14 responses to “Laurie’s Book is the BEST!

  1. I salute Emus for the strong support for each other. So impressed with how you writers hold each other up. Winning a copy of Laurie’s book would be the best news of my day!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. mariagianferrari

    Thanks so much, Linda :)!!

    Anything that’s Prim-approved gets my vote ;)! LOVE Winston, Winn Dixie and Mrs. Quackers too. My Becca is also the best, but I was trying to expand my horizons.

    And, of course, Laurie Thompson is the very best!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. All these are lovely but I am partial to Penny’s duck because it’s such an unusual choice and I love the photos! Penny has clearly “Made Way for Ducklings.” 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. What a fun post! Thanks everyone! My Emu’s are the best. 💖

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Trudi Trueit

    Congrats, Laurie! SHE is the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Fun post! Loved reading the teacher who said her students are the best! All are delightful!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sheri

    Fun post! Congratulations, Laurie!

    (And Maria, I agree — CP is the best!) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. mariagianferrari

    You are the best, Sheri 🙂


  9. What a fun post! Carole, your cat was so handsome.

    And congratulations to Andrea! Thanks for participating in the fun for my launch week!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Jen

    What a fun post!


  11. Happy book birthday, Laurie! Congratulations!!

    Thanks for the shout-out, Maria. 🙂 You’re the best!


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