Everything about THE WICKED AND THE JUST–from the Folks Who Really Know!

Today on EMU’s Debuts, we are wrapping up our grand debut week for THE WICKED AND THE JUST. In today’s final installment, we have some VERY special guests. You see, we invited a number of medieval experts to this party, and they’ve been milling around here all week, tossing back the mead and ale and throwing in a few hearty huzzahs from time to time. I thought it was about time they offered something back after all the free grub and grog they’ve been putting away all week, so I put a few questions to them.

Here's a tip: Don't ask to see his vacation pictures.

First I thought I should get some comments on the title. The crowd was split on their preference for THE WICKED or THE JUST. Few wanted to talk about both. On the topic of WICKEDNESS, a certain Florentine who has spent the week throwing logs into the fireplace had this to say:

Thou follow me, and I will be thy guide,
And lead thee hence through the eternal place,
Where thou shalt hear the desperate lamentations,
Shalt see the ancient spirits disconsolate,
Who cry out each one for the second death.

Ol' Geoffrey's the life of the party!

Hmmm. Sounds fun, Dante, but maybe a little more hard core than I’m really prepared for. I thought perhaps I should try someone a little more tame, and found a straight-laced English chap named Geoffery in the corner. But as soon as I said  “Tell me what you think of The Wicked–”  he interrupted with this:

Keepe wel thy tonge and keepe thy freend,

A wikked tonge is worse than a feend!

Which, frankly, I found a bit irrelevant, although I was relieved to encounter someone who’s spelling is worse than mine. Finally, I asked a group of the Original EMUs what they thought of wickedness. After a week of partying, you can see that many of us had gone down that road a few times, and so we weren’t really in any condition to comment, though a few of us demonstrated behavior that might qualify:

Looks like the author is the only EMU who kept her wits about her at this week's party. From left to right Lynda, Natalie, L.B., Jeannie, J., and Cynthia

So much for wickedness. I figured someone had something to say about THE JUST. Unfortunately, the only Welsh luminary at the party was the poet George Herbert, who turned out to be a bit gushy on the topic:
Softnesse, and peace, and joy, and love, and blisse,
Exalted Manna, gladnesse of the best,
Heaven in ordinarie, man well drest,
The milkie way, the bird of Paradise.

Right. That’s what we get for inviting a renaissance man to the party. Thinking I might get a more sensible answer from the clergy, I asked a group of Bavarian monks hanging out on the front lawn, but they just burst into song, and that really got the party going:

I needed a rest after that and went to sit down inside, but encountered two lovely young ladies glowering at each other in the corner. Imagine my delight to discover they were the STARS of the book,  Cecily and Gwenhwyfar! Finally, someone who could give me some real answers! So I conducted the following interview, for your reading pleasure.

Ah, isn't that nice? Look what fun Gwinny and Cecily are having together at this party!

Ladies, please introduce yourselves:

Cecily: I’m Cecily.  I was born and raised at Edgeley Hall deep in the English midlands, one of the most lovely places on God’s green earth.  Now I live in Caernarvon – north Wales of all places! – because my father is a dull cabbage.  Oh, and that’s Gwinny.  Don’t mind her; she’s not that interesting.

Gwenhwyfar: I’m called Gwenhwyfar ferch Peredur ap Goronwy.  My ancestors bled this ground red to keep the likes of her out.  Do you see why?

Me: Glad to see you’re getting along. Tell me, what is the best thing about living in Wales? What is the worst?

Gwenhwyfar: The best thing?  Everyone I love is here.  The worst thing is, so is everyone I’d gladly see dead.

Cecily: I cannot bear the weather.  And the people who live without the walls could do with better behavior.  But I like the castle.  I like how it can be provisioned by sea.  Ships can sail right up and load in provisions and besiegers cannot prevent it.  It was built that way special by his Grace the king.  He obviously knew exactly who he was dealing with.

Me: Tell me, ladies. See that Zombie Buddy hanging out over there with a Santa Duck?  Which of them would you want defending your interest, if you had a choice?

Cecily: Santa Duck.  Santa is a giver of gifts, yes?  I like gifts.

Gwenhwyfar: Both.  I need all the help I can get.

Me: Being as you are the main characters in a book that professes to be about the Wicked and the Just, readers are likely to think one of you is the wicked one and one is the just. Why should the readers believe you to be the better person?

Cecily: It’s fair obvious, is it not?  I’m so much more sweet-tempered and interesting and modest than any of those people.

Gwenhwyfar: Must I even answer the question now?

Hmm. Well, Cecily, let me introduce you to this lovely Italian fellow over by the fireplace. And Gwenhwyfar, I think you might like to spend a little time with your fellow countryman, Mr. Herbert.

Maybe that will keep them from killing each other. And the best thing is, now I have this corner all to myself, perfect for cracking open my new book.  Please don’t disturb me for the rest of the weekend.


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16 responses to “Everything about THE WICKED AND THE JUST–from the Folks Who Really Know!

  1. Oh, Jeannie! Thou certainly aren’t a pigeon egg. Indeed, this is an incredible post!!! A fine tribute on our final day of celebration in honor of THE WICKED AND THE JUST! (I burst out laughing with that picture. I was like, “Who are these poeple. Oh, its Cynthia…and Natalie…OMG!”) Hilarious post! Clever. Insightful. Creative. A gem, indeed. Brava!!


    • That’s pretty bad, Lynda, when you don’t even remember posing for the picture at a party. Don’t worry about all that other stuff you did that you can’t remember, though. We won’t tell anyone, or tweet it to everyone we know. Or post the pictures on facebook.

      Glad you enjoyed the post. It’s always a bit sad to end one of these weeks of celebration, but we have yours to look forward to soon!


  2. Headed out for my copy today…


    • Mine is enroute. I’ve been checking the delivery status each day all week, and it should be arriving at my house any moment. My students won’t mind if I read this weekend instead of grading their papers, will they?


  3. Woo hoo! What a great post to end a great week! I’m checking local bookstores this weekend and looking forward to a great read!!! Congratulations, J! 🙂


  4. Mike Jung

    I’m gonna start using the word “wikked” all the time now. This is a wikked cool blog post Jeannie, and a fabulous way to close out a fabulous launch week.


  5. I’ll be buying my copy at an event next week where I can get J. to autograph it. Lucky me!

    Loved the the photos and the interview! So glad that Santa Duck and Zombie Buddy were included. They should be involved in all Emu launches.


    • We are building quite the potential for merchandizing around here. So far, we’ve got the doubt monster, the suck monkey, the zombie chicken, and now zombie buddy and santa duck. This definitely has possibilities for a major licensing scheme.

      Barring that, though, I agree–we need Zombie Buddy and Santa Duck videos on a regular basis.


  6. Jeannie – You’ve outdown yourself, my dear. This may be your best post yet.

    By the way THE WICKED AND THE JUST sat in a prime, face-out position at both The Tattered Cover and B&N today when I visited. And if that hadn’t been the case, I would have made sure it was before I left. But alas, the booksellers beat me to it, so I didn’t have to do my surreptitious, bookshelf shuffle.


  7. Natalie Dias Lorenzi

    Jeannie! When I first saw this photo, I thought: Man, why does Jeannie get the Tiffany lamp shade?? Then I read the post and realize now that you totally earned it. 😉 Brava!


  8. Pingback: Promotion Post-Mortem | EMU's Debuts

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