The Call…yes…THE Call!

Please indulge me while I sing a bit and skip down the yellow brick road. I promise I will get to The Call.

Now my rendition.

If I’d Only Get The Call

Why if I’d get The Call I could…

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
I could weather a tornado
while cooking shrimp Alfredo
and knitting up a shawl.
Though the house would be whirling,
I’d be polishing my sterling
If I’d only get The Call.
♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

Well, I did get The Call. The day was clear and sunny. No tornado in sight. Thank goodness because I wouldn’t have time to cook shrimp Alfredo or knit a shawl or polish my sterling while my house was whirling. That’s because this call, although very promising, was all about revisions. I thought I had revised the heck out of that manuscript. But the editor’s notes were genius. I knew my story would be stronger. It was just a couple of lines…but the lines were key to my story. The lines were in rhyme. The lines were repeated.  And I knew The Call of my dreams would melt away like a witch doused with a bucket of water if I didn’t come through.

It was nerve wracking. I wanted to work with this editor so badly that at first I got a case of…
Flying-Monkey Brain. Translation: Rush or it will be too late!
“Hurry, Penny, hurry or the flying monkeys will carry you away to the castle where you’ll never get to email your revisions because there is no way the witch will give you her Wifi password!”

Then I got a case of…
Wicked-Witch Brain. Translation: It’s too scary.
“She’ll reject you, Penny. You and your dragon book, too.”

Then I got a case of…
Lollipop-Guild Brain. Translation: Speak Munchkin, eat a big lollipop, and shake your booty in that Lollipop Guild sort of way.
“Hey! I think I want to go with this one!”

But in the end, I didn’t need anything from Oz. I knew if I was going to get The Call that I would have to use my brain, write with my heart, and have the courage to send off my revisions.

The editor loved them.

Then it happened. Tricia called one evening to tell me we had an offer. Even though I felt The Call was coming due to our positive email communication, it was completely awesome to actually hear the words. I’m still waiting for it to sink in…
…my book…
…MY book!
In bookstores…
at the library…
being read at bedtime!

And the dream that I dared to dream really did come true!

penny3Penny Parker Klostermann’s debut picture book, There Was An Old Dragon, is coming from Random House Children’s Publishing Fall 2015. You can follow her on Twitter @pklostermann and visit her blog HERE. Penny is represented by Tricia Lawrence.


Filed under Introduction, The Call

74 responses to “The Call…yes…THE Call!

  1. Yay for dreams that come true. And new books in libraries, in bookstores, at bedtime.


  2. Oh, Penny! How truly delighted I am to see you joining this community–both the EMU blog community and the community of writers whose dreams have come true! Welcome aboard!


  3. Cathy Ballou Mealey

    I don’t blame you for skipping and singing Penny!
    I feel my heart twirling and whirling with happiness for you just by reading this!


  4. You had me singing (well, whispering as kiddo sleeps). Can’t wait to read your story at bedtime!


  5. Oh Penny, I want to call you right now and tell you how much I love this post. Your heart. Your heart. Your heart. And just think that beautiful heart will come out in a book. Oh lucky us.


  6. Yay! Congratulations, Penny! And WOOT for more dragons!


  7. Carrie F

    So excited for you, Penny! It’s a wonderful story and I know kids will love it. And even though it might seem like a good witch waved her wand and made it all happen – really YOU had the power to do it all along.



  8. Sheila A. Donovan

    Penny, what a clever way to announce your book. I’m delighted for you!


  9. Rebecca Van Slyke

    Hurray for THE Call! And the brain, heart and, yes, the COURAGE to make it happen! It’s an OZ-some story!


  10. Yowza! Yowza! You’re sittin’ on a rainbow…got that string wrapped ’round your finger!


  11. So happy for you, and what a wonderful way to express what you went through! (And yes, I got a little teary… in a happy way.)


  12. HOORAY! WOOT! YIPPEE! Doing the happy dance for you! What great news, Penny! And I am not surprised 🙂 Terrific post!


  13. There’s no place like book shelves, there’s no place like book shelves… Much success to you, Penny! :0)


  14. donnabowmanbratton

    Oh, this is so lovely, Penny. A ruby slipper kind of happy ending/beginning. So happy for you.


  15. Oh, Penny, that last line actually choked me up! And now I’m singing, of course! HOORAY FOR YOU!!!!!


  16. wonderful, entertaining post. So happy to see you on EMU Debuts!


  17. I’m singing in the rain and there’s sunshine on my shoulder cause when you wish upon a star – and work REALLY hard as you did – your dreams really do come true! Congratulations, Penny…I am truly happy for you…cheering you on to great success with your new book!


  18. Yay! I’m over-the-rainbow HAPPY for you! Thanks for sharing the detail of “The Call.” I can’t wait to see your book in print!


  19. kevanjatt

    I think all of the Oz puns have been used up to express delight in your post so I’ll just say, you’re not in Kansas anymore.


  20. Truly a dream come true, Penny! So so happy for you, and cannot WAIT to read your book!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are such a talented writer, I know this will be the first of many! 🙂


  21. This is such a wonderful post and I am so thrilled for you, Penny. You deserve this!


  22. Joshua McCune

    What a brilliant intro, Penny. Congrats, and so glad to have you here!


  23. So exciting, Penny! Great news and great post!


  24. Hey, welcome to EMU’s, Penny. Great post. So happy for you.


  25. Catherine Johnson

    I can’t stop whistling that tune now, huge congrats Penny!


  26. Being read at bedtime indeed! Those are the kinds of thoughts that make it feel really real. And now I know that you are the one to ask about embedding videos in blog posts, since you are obviously brilliant at it. Great debut post, Penny! Looking forward to many more.


  27. I just loved your post and the clever way you had all of going down the yellow brick road until you got the call! Congrats, Penny. You’re not in Kansas any more. 🙂


  28. Your post is great! The Wizard of Oz is perfect for “the call!” I am so proud of you and happy for you. EVERYTHING in my classroom is Wizard of Oz and I Love everything related to it! Congratulations again!


  29. Awesome post! I love how you tie it all with The Wizard of Oz! Congrats, again, on your book acceptance!


  30. Love this post, Penny, and I especially love this: “I knew if I was going to get The Call that I would have to use my brain, write with my heart, and have the courage to send off my revisions.” So happy and excited for you!


  31. tpierce

    Love your creative way of sharing your experience. What a great story along with sound advice.


  32. WOO-HOO! 😀 YAY Ms. Klostermann! 😀


  33. This is awesome Penny! I can totally see myself getting Flying Monkey or Scary Witch Brain. Thanks for the laughs. 😀


  34. So exciting to hear your story, Penny. Congrats! And I’m sure, there will me more good things to come. . .


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